But, back to the nakedness. Today, is being seen naked really about shame/sinfulness or is it about being immodest? Is it a sin to watch movies with naked scenes? Art with naked figures? From reading the scripture with Moses' naked stupor and Adam and Eve's first reaction when they realized they had sinned and were aware of good and evil, it certainly seems that being naked is a terrible thing. Personally, I am having a hard time reacting and feeling as if it is such a terrible disposition. Do not worry, I will not be streaking anytime soon =)
My initial thoughts...
ReplyDeleteWith the introduction of sin, and lust/perversion/any other sexual immorality that certainly goes hand in hand with sin (within scripture and in our present time) maybe clothing themselves/covering their sex organs (I'm sorry I can't think of any better term and Sundays are long days for me!!) had something to do with avoiding that temptation to sin...but that doesn't necessarily explain Adam and Eve's seemingly immediate reaction to their bodies.
And about Noah and his sons...maybe Ham, in "telling his two brothers" had made a spectacle of Noah rather than honoring him with modesty.
ReplyDeleteI'm writing lots of maybes. Sorry.
I agree re: Noah and his sons. I think Noah was upset because his first son should have covered him and not said anything to the others.