Friday, December 4, 2009's not so perfect

So obviously our Bible in a Year effort didn't go so well. Reasons? I'm sure they're varied. People have children now that didn't when we started. People are getting married now that weren't when we started. People have different jobs, more responsibility. People have moved. Life, it happens. For me though, I know part of my failing to consistently read the Bible in a year is because of my horrible habit of perfectionism.

I'm not saying I'm perfect. No one but Jesus is. But I am admitting that I struggle with perfectionism. So how does this hinder reading God's Word? Well, when it's in chronological order my perfectionist tendencies tell me I have to read in chronological order. But then I miss a day, which turns into two or three. I'm now farther behind than I was to start with and instead of just skipping ahead I feel compelled to read the days I missed, which ultimately overwhelms me and causes me not to read anything at all. Now how does that help? It doesn't.

So, as I approach a new year I'm making a commitment. No more perfectionism. I'm reading where the Chronological Bible is today without a care that I haven't read most of the 340 days before. And come January I'll start at the beginning. If I get be it. Maybe in 5 years I'll actually have read every page but until then, I'll do my best and that will be good enough.

I encourage you to join me in saying goodbye to perfectionism and hello to the only perfect thing in our world, the written Word of our loving Father.

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