Friday, December 4, 2009's not so perfect

So obviously our Bible in a Year effort didn't go so well. Reasons? I'm sure they're varied. People have children now that didn't when we started. People are getting married now that weren't when we started. People have different jobs, more responsibility. People have moved. Life, it happens. For me though, I know part of my failing to consistently read the Bible in a year is because of my horrible habit of perfectionism.

I'm not saying I'm perfect. No one but Jesus is. But I am admitting that I struggle with perfectionism. So how does this hinder reading God's Word? Well, when it's in chronological order my perfectionist tendencies tell me I have to read in chronological order. But then I miss a day, which turns into two or three. I'm now farther behind than I was to start with and instead of just skipping ahead I feel compelled to read the days I missed, which ultimately overwhelms me and causes me not to read anything at all. Now how does that help? It doesn't.

So, as I approach a new year I'm making a commitment. No more perfectionism. I'm reading where the Chronological Bible is today without a care that I haven't read most of the 340 days before. And come January I'll start at the beginning. If I get be it. Maybe in 5 years I'll actually have read every page but until then, I'll do my best and that will be good enough.

I encourage you to join me in saying goodbye to perfectionism and hello to the only perfect thing in our world, the written Word of our loving Father.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why do bad things happen

As I hear on tv about pretty bad things happening around the world I noticed I also hear about some pretty wonderful things people do for each other when bad things happen. A few months ago I remember thinking maybe this is part of why bad things happen - so that we have a chance to show people that they matter to us.

In Job I don't think God told him why all of the horrible things happened to him so I don't think we're supposed to know (at least not always). As I've been reading about these awful things happening to the Egyptians I noticed God explaining each time to Moses that these bad things are happening so that He will be glorified. So, I'm thinking maybe this supports my theory (or at least doesn't seem to refute it) - bad things are allowed to happen so that something really wonderful, that wouldn't have happened otherwise, can also happen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


"Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?" Job 2:10

So, I know this was back in our readings awhile ago, but we know the majority of the book of Job is this back and forth discussion with people that believe Job really had to have done something to deserve such great suffering and Job who feels he is undeserving...

I know we talk to people all the time about why bad things happen and the extent of God's hand in it. I am not sure if there is even a true way to verbalize reasoning.... I know after all the suffering Job had belief still when he says:

"But as for me, I know my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the Earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my body I will see God!" Job 19:25

I know that I still do not understand the moments of suffering I have had in my life, and I think I have come to a place where it is ok I don't understand.. one girl told me once that I don't want to be able to understand God fully because then He wouldn't be God...however, I do know that I am so ready for heaven and to see our Savior Jesus! (I am not suicidal, just excited. ha.)

Job - Background

Ok, so I said I would do the background on all the books we go through. I ask for you all to pray that I really take the time to absorb what I read and stop to listen to God's message in it AND keep up!

The book of Job is the first of the so-called poetic or wisdom books... group of five books including Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Obviously deals with the problem of suffering.

Scene of the book is in the Land of Uz. Thought to have been along the border between Palestine and Arabia, extending from Edom north and east towards the Euphrates River, skirting the route between Babylon and Egypt.

Job was thought to have links to be the same person as Jobab, the second king in Edom. The setting is thought to be among the descendants of Esau.

Nothing is known about the author of the book. Ancient Jewish traditions ascribed the book to Moses. While modern critics say that Job is the author at a much later date, but in the end it is the content of the book that is important. (amen!)

From: Halley's Bible Handbook

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You Can't Take It With You...

I love verse 1:21 in Job:

"I came naked from my mother's womb,
and I will be naked when I leave.
The Lord gave me what I had,
and the Lord has taken it away.
Praise the name of the Lord!"

Oh that we could all have this response when something we love, or something we think we just can't live without, is taken away. In these crazy economic times, I pray that we are all praising God for opening up our eyes rather than just striking us dead! For showing us grace and mercy in spite of our materialistic ways. For forgiving us when we put our 'things' before Him and before our brothers and sisters.

My prayer is that these times will teach us to do without, to make do with less, to live lives focused more on giving than wanting. To remember how blessed we are - yes, by the tangible things but more importantly by our friends and family and the unbelievable love of Christ.

They became slaves..

So I find it interesting in Genesis 47:20-25 when all the Egyptians sold Pharaoh their land and they all became slaves; and they were happy about it!

I also think it's neat to see the very beginnings of what will later result in the Exodus. It's as if we want to say - "No, don't go!" But it's just a reminder of how 'all things work for the glory of God'. It's amazing really. I'm looking forward to Exodus....just gotta get through Job!

I hope this makes sense somewhat! I also hope you're all enjoying this journey!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I may be stuck on this "she's my sister" thing, but how interesting is it that now Isaac is claiming that Rebekah is his sister? Like father like son. It makes me think of generational sins being passed down, and how they may have struggled with fully trusting God to protect them.

Thoughts on the Last few readings...

1. I was wondering if anyone knew what the true difference was when Esau gave up his BIRTHRIGHT to Jacob for some food vs. Isaac giving the BLESSING to Jacob dressed as a hairy man? In my mind I feel like the birthright and blessing are the same thing and my study bible doesn't really make it seem like they are all that different.

2. I thought it was kind of sad that God didn't let Rachel have babies for a time, just because he knew Leah wasn't as loved by Jacob...

Saturday, January 10, 2009


A little confused about Abraham and Abimilech where God says "he closed up every womb in his house because of Sarah". I know Abraham pretended like Sarah was his sister, but did other men really indeed sleep with her? My footnote in 20:9 speaks of "the guilt you've brought upon me", meaning the adultery. Just curious about this.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lot's Daughters

So, I don't know how I've have missed this part before, but sleeping with your father to keep your family line going is UNBELIEVABLE!!! (not to mention gross) So I checked my NIV life application bible and the foot note says this:  
"We are most likely to sin when we are desperate for what we feel we must have."

Obviously all of us would realize that incest is not the answer for this desperation to have a family.....however, it did make me think- what other ways, smaller ways perhaps, do we sin when we are desperate for things we THINK we must have? 

I still can't believe I missed this part some how......later girls!


Monday, January 5, 2009

"please tell them you are my sister"

Hi Ladies
 I'm catching up cause I was out of town this weekend, so here it goes...
I was reading today's scripture from Genesis 12 where there was a famine in the land and Abraham was forced to go to Egypt with his wife Sarah (I know their names aren't changed yet, but I can't get used to Abram/Sarai). Abraham gets this good idea that he should pretend Sarah is his sister so they won't try to kill him and steal his beautiful bride.  I've read this many times, but I'm realizing how little faith Abraham had at this moment in time.  He forgets to think that God can take care of him and this situation and they don't need to lie or pretend anything.  Simply put Abraham is scared and takes matters into his own hands.  I'm reminded in Hebrews in the "faith"chapter (12 I think) where Abraham is known for his faith. I guess it's encouraging that we can screw up and God can still use us. :)
  One other thing on this, I'm reading a book called "When People are Big and God is Small", which is about fearing people instead of God.  Meaning we seek people's approval in life more than we seek God's.  The author specifically spoke of this passage in Genesis stating that Abraham was more concerned about what people thought of him being married to Sarah, rather than being his sister.  It seems to be two different ideas. One was safety, one was embarrassment.  Thoughts? 

Sunday, January 4, 2009


After reading Gen 9:21-25 a couple of thoughts came to mind: (1) Why is nakedness seen as such a terrible thing (also, noted when Adam and Eve sinned against God) and (2) How important it is to cover the shame/embarrassment of our brothers and sisters rather than looking away and telling others what "so and so just did."  

But, back to the nakedness.  Today, is being seen naked really about shame/sinfulness or is it about being immodest?  Is it a sin to watch movies with naked scenes?  Art with naked figures?  From reading the scripture with Moses' naked stupor and Adam and Eve's first reaction when they realized they had sinned and were aware of good and evil, it certainly seems that being naked is a terrible thing. Personally, I am having a hard time reacting and feeling as if it is such a terrible disposition.  Do not worry, I will not be streaking anytime soon =)


January 4: Miscellaneous thoughts

This is the first time I've noticed God saying "us" instead of "me". See Gen. 1:26 ("Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.") and Gen 11:7 ("Come, let's go down and confuse the people with different languages."). Is this reference to the trinity?

I watched the movie Babel recently and the title now makes sense. It follows four related stories where the group of people in each story speaks a different language. This is what I guessed was the meaning. BTW - I didn't like the movie.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

catching up, Jan. 2

I did read these all on time, I'm just slow in blogging!

I am no good at math, so I know once Cain and Able are around there are...lots of people on earth?? I just found Cain's whining to God in 4:14 sort of funny..."Whoever finds me will kill me" Who the heck is gonna find him??

4:26 "At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord." Can anyone explain?

5:28 Interesting that Noah was said by his pop that he would be a "comfort." 

new thoughts

I'm hoping to have lots of hmmm thoughts as I read the Bible with fresh eyes. One thing I caught on Jan. 1 was with the Garden of Eden. I never put much thought into the perfection of that time when God first created Adam and Eve, because it was perfect and I that's about it :) Perfect community with God and with all He made. But I did pick up in 3:9 that God made the two trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the K.G.E (I'm lazy) already in His perfect Garden! So even in this perfect place, this "ideal" of God's creation, there was the choice/option to not choose God...and it was appealing! The fruit looked just as good as any other...and then 3:22 has God saying "he must not also...take from the Tree of Life and live forever."

I guess I just never thought about God giving that choice even in the very beginning...

And then after God scolds them, how sweet is it in 3:21, that he made clothes for them :)


I didn't know Noah was that old!!! He was 500 yrs old with 3 sons and getting on a! What a Great reminder that timing is all in God's hands and to be content with it:)!

sorry so short, later friends!

Background on Genesis

Hey All!

I have tried to become better at knowing who wrote the book I am reading, what time it was written in, what was trying to be communicated... so, I had some info in one of my study bibles that I thought I would pass on. Please add more if you find it.

It talks about how Genesis takes us back to the beginning of time to explain how all the "firsts" were created...(first plants, animals, man, woman, first sin, first news of God's salvation). It also talks about God's relationship with Noah, Abraham, and others demonstrates his desire from the beginning to be in fellowship with people.

Moses probably wrote this book around 1440 B.C. It says since he was not an eye witness to the events, that he has to rely on God's revelation and perhaps oral/written records. I had written in that he wrote it for the people of Israel on way to Canaan (promised land)... maybe I was smoking something :)

Beginning of creation (date speculated) to time Israelites arrived in Egypt and grew into a nation (1800 B.C.)

Says since the book announces that all peoples on earth will be blessed through Abraham, it seems to conclude all people can benefit.

Notice the focus Genesis places on the relationship between God and humanity - broken in the garden and restored through sacrifices and personal encounters with God. Illustrates cycles of sin and repentance... seems pretty relevant to me!

Hope this helps a little.

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 1 and 2

Two days down and only 363 to go! So we've read about the Creation, Cain and Abel, some lineage, and got a peek at Noah and the Arc. (Genesis 1 - 6:22) Here are some of my thoughts:

1) Gen 1:6-8 "Then God said, "Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the water of the earth." and that is what happened. God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens. God called the space "sky."

I don't think I've ever picked up on that verse and I've read this story a thousand times. It's hard for me to picture 'waters of heaven'.....

2) Gen 2:24 "This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one."

I think more men need to leave their father and mother and join themselves with a wife! :)

3) In the story of Cain and Abel it doesn't really explain why God didn't accept Cain's gift. Any thoughts?

I'm so excited to be on this journey with all of you. May God continue to reveal Himself and big and small ways in our lives.

Blessings, AM

P.S. I'd encourage you to read the introductory material in the 24/7 Bible, it's interesting. The translation info is good background and will help you get more out of your reading. Enjoy!