Saturday, January 3, 2009

catching up, Jan. 2

I did read these all on time, I'm just slow in blogging!

I am no good at math, so I know once Cain and Able are around there are...lots of people on earth?? I just found Cain's whining to God in 4:14 sort of funny..."Whoever finds me will kill me" Who the heck is gonna find him??

4:26 "At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord." Can anyone explain?

5:28 Interesting that Noah was said by his pop that he would be a "comfort." 


  1. i'm just seeing this for the first time. you ladies are amazing! thanks for doing this, AM!

  2. Hi Christie -

    My other Bible has this about verses 4:19-26 "Unfortuantely, when left to themselves, people tend to get worse instead of better. This short summary of Lamech's family shows us the variety of talent and ability God gives humans. It also presents the continuous development of sin as time passess. Another killing occurred, presumably in self-defense. Violence is on the rise. Two distinct groups are appearing: (1) those who show indifference to sin and evil, and (2) those who call on the name of the Lord (the descendants of Seth, 4:26) Seth would take Abel's place as leader of a line of God's faithful people." Also it says 'call on' means 'to proclaim'. Hope this helps a little. Thanks for posting!

  3. My other Bible said this... "The dependence on God found in Seth's line is here contrasted with the self-reliance so characteristic of Cain's life." (in reference to verse 4:26)
