Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lot's Daughters

So, I don't know how I've have missed this part before, but sleeping with your father to keep your family line going is UNBELIEVABLE!!! (not to mention gross) So I checked my NIV life application bible and the foot note says this:  
"We are most likely to sin when we are desperate for what we feel we must have."

Obviously all of us would realize that incest is not the answer for this desperation to have a family.....however, it did make me think- what other ways, smaller ways perhaps, do we sin when we are desperate for things we THINK we must have? 

I still can't believe I missed this part some how......later girls!


1 comment:

  1. Amy you aren't alone, I also somehow didn't recall that part of the story. Perhaps we both were so disturbed by it we blocked it out ; )

    Interesting question you brought up, that's really making me think...
